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Basic elastomers for O-Rings
The following paragraph briefly reviews various elastomers currently available for use in O-Rings and other seals.
VMQ (Silicone Rubber)
Silicone rubbers have a backbone that consists of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms (-Si-O-Si-).This is unusual compared to other elastomers which have an organic backbone (-C-C-). Silicone rubber shows excellent heat resistance, cold flexibility, dielectric properties and especially good resistance to oxygen and ozone. Silicone has a high physiological inertness, it is odourless, tasteless and non-toxic. The mechanical properties, however, are poor to moderate. The material should only be used in static applications. Depending on the material the operating temperatures range between -60°C and +200°C (and for a short period of time even up to +230°C).
VMQ is resistant to:
• Engine and transmission oil (for example ASTM oil No.1)
• Animal and vegetable oil and grease
• Brake fluid (non-petroleum base)
• Fire-resistant hydraulic fluid, HFD-R and HFD-S
• High molecular weight chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons (including flame-resistant insulators and coolant for transformers)
• Moderate water resistance
• Diluted salt solutions
• Ozone, ageing and weather
VMQ is not compatible with:
• Superheated water steam over 121°C (250°F)
• Acids and alkalis
• Low molecular weight chlorinated hydrocarbons (trichloroethylene)
• Aromatic mineral oil
• Hydrocarbon based fuels
• Aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene)